Thursday, November 5, 2009

Zooscapades (part 1)

On Sunday we went to the Berlin Zoo for the first time. We were very excited to see the feeding of some of the animals, especially the lions. While we were waiting for them to be fed this happened:

After that little display of impatience, they were finally fed. We also videotaped that event but we'll have to show you that in another post.

We took a lot of pictures but the following three were by far my favorites. Something about this bear cracked me up. Maybe it was the way he was sitting. Maybe it was because he seemed disappointed that Knut,the polar bear, whose pen is just across the way, gets all the attention in the zoo.

Just hanging out, doing his bear thing.

Pondering life.

Totally bored.

Stay tuned for part 2 and the crazy, reckless behavior of the Berlin zoo-man in charge of feeding the lions.


  1. I think the lioness was just trying to cough up a furball until Mr. Macho man came and distracted her.

  2. This might qualify as my favorite post. Why? It has pictures of big cats and bears, of course.


    Guess who :)
