Sunday, August 16, 2009

Schönes Wochenende in Schwerin

This Saturday we set out for the town of Schwerin, Germany which is hosting the 2009 BUGA, the annual German flower and garden festival and also happens to be the home of one of the most beautiful castles in the country. To say everything was beautiful doesn't really do it justice, so we suggest you just check out the photos we've posted on Picasa by clicking here.

The title? Schönes Wochenende means "Nice Weekend." It's what you say to wish someone a good weekend and it was also the name of the train ticket we used to get to Schwerin.


  1. Your pictures are FANTASTIC!!! Just gorgeous.

    Hmm, can I see another picture of John in front of a castle? Oh wait...I'll just take one when we're there. :)


  2. Lauren:

    These pictures of blossoms are absolutely breathtaking. They rival those you took in DC a couple of years ago. No, they are better. These are commercial grade in composition in my opinion.

